shows you Basic and Advanced Picking Patterns for Songs and Solos. You can apply every picking pattern using basic or advanced chords. That way you’ll improve your technique and your ability on the ukulele.
Download More than 150 audio-tracks and 25 videos for free.
Pictures illustrate every technique in the book. Use more than 150 free audio-tracks for practicing and learn the picking patterns fast or slow. You’ll hear ukulele and drums, so you can immediately play along. On top of that you’ll get solo versions of some solos, so you can hear how they sound without drums.
25 videos show you every technique in detail.
Learn basic patterns, Rock- and Blues-Patterns, Fingerpicking techniques and Brazilian patterns. Learn how to combine percussion elements and strumming patterns with your picking patterns.
Appendix including Practicing Techniques, Technique Kit and Helpful Tools
The extensive appendix offers helpful tips and inspiration for good practicing, more techniques and a compilation of helpful tools and accessories.